日本電視控股(Nippon Television Holdings)21日宣布,旗下子公司日本電視台(Nippon TV)將收購吉卜力動畫工作室。日經亞洲與日本時報報導,日本電視台將收購吉卜力42.3%股份,自10月6日起生效。日本電視台資深營運長暨董事福田博之將接任吉卜力工作室社長,原社長鈴木敏夫成為董事長,吉卜力工作室創辦人之一宮崎駿成為榮譽董事。
分類: ART
文・楊齡媛 写真・林格立 翻訳・松本 幸子
Canada-born L.A.-based filmmaker Carolyn Gair’s directorial feature debut Return to Kellogg will get its North American debut on August 5 at the Portland Festival of Cinema, Animation & Technology.
Aardman Animations’ series Lloyd of the Flies will be free to stream in the U.S. starting August 6 after Fox-owned AVOD platform Tubi picked up U.S. and Canadian rights to the show.
During the publicity junket for Oppenheimer, director Christopher Nolan repeatedly pointed out how his latest film doesn’t contain any cgi shots, leading many to believe that there were no digital vfx in the film. That interpretation of his statement is inaccurate.
「2023 漫畫跨域運用實作工作坊」熱烈報名中,即將於06/08(四)截止!機會難得!歡迎對漫畫跨域應用有興趣的朋友們,把握機會報名喔!