來自我們新任代表譚敬南的問候 Greetings from Our New Representative Guido Tielman
Dear friends in Taiwan, my name is Guido Tielman, the new Representative of the Netherlands Office Taipei. I arrived in Taiwan on August 16 with my wife Rita and my one-year old son Tobias, and I am grateful for the assistance of the authorities in the whole process of COVID-19 testing and quarantine. Now that that is behind us, I am happy to be able to join my team in person at the office and excited to explore Taiwan. One of the things we are looking forward most in terms of spending our leisure time is to explore the many hiking trails of Taiwan, so please do share with us your suggestions if you have any.
Of course, for me personally, coming to Taiwan is almost like returning home, as I have spent a year from 1991 to 1992 as an exchange student at the National Taiwan University and after that I worked at the Netherlands Office Taipei for three years, the very office I am returning to now!
I look forward tremendously to building on the excellent track record that was laid down by my predecessor, Guy Wittich, and the entire NLOT team (“no pressure” 😐😊). We will continue in the same areas that have been identified before my arrival: fostering cooperation between the Netherlands and Taiwan in sustainable trade, bilateral investment, circular economy, high-tech industry, offshore wind energy, agriculture, photonics, cyber security, and much more. Ah, and lets certainly not forget culture and education!
原文出處 荷蘭在台辦事處 Netherlands Office Taipei