
【嗨!神獸 Hello! Tapir】完整版

片名:嗨!神獸 Hello! Tapir
上映 Release Date:2022/2/1
片長:89分鐘 89min
劇型:劇情、奇幻、真人動畫 Drama,Fantasy,Animated Feature
導演 Director:池家慶 Kethsvin Chee
監製 Producer:陳其遠 CHEN Chi-Yuan、陳南宏 Mark CHEN
演員 Cast:
楊采妮【寒戰II】 Charlie Young (Cold War II)
白潤音【親愛的房客】 Runyin Bai (Dear Tenant)
呂雪鳳【緝魂】 Hsueh-Feng Lu (The Soul)
李李仁【迷失安狄】 Lee Lee-Zen (Miss Andy)
編劇 Scriptwriter:
梁秀紅 Chris Leong、鄭咏怡 Teh Yoon Yee、池家慶 Kethsvin Chee
攝影指導 Photography Director:胡世山 Sam Hu
美術指導 Production Designer:林仲賢 Lin Chung Hsien
剪接指導 Editing Director:雷震卿 Lei Chen Ching
特效指導 VFX Supervisor:李志緯 Aben Lee
音樂總監 Original Score:陳建騏 George Chen、羅恩妮 Annie Lo
聲音指導 Supervising Sound Editor:鄭旭志 Frank Cheng
出品與製作 Presented & Produced by:
滿滿額娛樂 Man Man Er Co., Ltd.
https://www.facebook.com/mm2taiwan/Director’s Statement
台灣發行 Taiwan Distributor:
甲上娛樂 Applause Entertainment Limited

每個人心中都有 一隻陪你長大的神獸
★ 新銳導演池家慶率金獎團隊斥資8000萬台幣打造暖心奇幻鉅作!
★ 「玉女掌門人」楊采妮、天才童星白潤音詮釋動人母子情!
★ 金馬獎最佳女配角呂雪鳳演出漁村阿嬤,教科書級演技超催淚!
★ 金鐘獎最佳男配角李李仁繼《瀑布》後最真摯的父愛演出!
★ 導演池家慶真實經歷溫暖改編,用動人的故事療癒每一個人的心!
★ 金馬獎最佳視覺效果獎提名、釜山國際兒童暨青少年影展亞洲大觀、首爾九老兒童國際影展競賽片、加拿奇幻電影節入選片

導演闡述 Director’s Statement

I wrote this story after my father’s sudden death a few years ago. I have an eight-year-old cousin who had a very good relationship with my dad and was raised by him, even calling him ‘Uncle’. When my father passed away, the adults were so busy with the funeral that no one explained to him what had happened. A month later, he suddenly asked, “Is Uncle never coming back?” It was then that I realized we adults focus on the topic of death rather than our feelings about it. That is why I wanted to produce a story about how adults and children deal with death. With my father’s passing, all that was left after were memories of him! Memories are the most beautiful gift for those who remain, just as the tapir creature in the film is the best memory left by Ah Keat’s father.

生活是頭安靜的獸,潛伏著時不時伸出牠的指爪。大海在沙灘留下爪痕,在漁村小孩阿吉(白潤音 飾)心頭留下傷痕。海上討生活的爸爸(李李仁 飾)從小就跟阿吉敘述他小時候在森林遇到神獸的故事,阿吉總是深信不疑,有一天,爸爸出海後卻再也沒回來了。而日子寸寸進逼,忙著處理爸爸後事的阿嬤(呂雪鳳 飾)無暇照顧阿吉,離家多年的媽媽(楊采妮 飾)現身,打算帶阿吉離開,媽媽要去的台北成天涯,和阿嬤相依為命的家是海角,那阿吉真正想要的家在哪裡?「森林深處住著一頭神獸,牠會把人們的惡夢都吃掉喔!」重新想起爸爸說過的故事,傷心的阿吉決心進入魔幻森林尋找神獸,拜託牠把爸爸帶回來。童心滿滿,深情一片,台灣海岸線成南國祕境,其實是穿越成長境界線,不忍說破,又把一切看破,往前一步,長大原來是生命裡最小又最大的冒險。

In a fishing village lives a creature with the body of a pig, the nose of an elephant, ears of a horse, and feet like a rhinoceros. Every night as people lie in slumber, it sneaks into the village and devours their nightmares! Ah Keat’s father has always recounted the story of when he came across the mythical creature in the forest as a child. Ah Keat is doubtful about the story but has always looked forward to the day he can see the creature for himself. 
But his father dies in an accident at sea one day, and his family is so busy with the funeral they are unable to help the young boy with understanding his father’s death. When Ah Keat learns of the sudden news that he will be leaving the village to live with his long-estranged mother in Taipei, he sets off in search of the mythical creature in hopes that it can help find his father…

About Director 關於導演

馬來西亞導演。2007年開始參與監製、執導、製作和編劇,作品涵蓋電視電影、處境喜劇和廣告等。2010年完成第一部電視電影《媒人幫》獲馬來西亞2012年金視獎「最佳節慶特備」。他執導的《聚寶盆前傳&續集》(2013)也入選第十九屆上海電視節參展作品。2014年參與執導的《奪命遊戲2》入選西班牙Zoom Festival最佳導演和最佳電視電影。同年,《懼場》入圍第25屆Festival Filem Malaysia最佳新晉導演、最佳剪接和最佳非馬來語言本地電影。2016年,《嗨!神獸》劇本也入圍了香港國際電影節主辦的”早鳥新導演啓航計劃“。

Kethsvin CHEE, a Malaysia-born director, has been producing, directing and writing scripts for tele-movies, sitcoms, reality shows and TVCs since 2006. His first tele-movie, Superb Match Makers (2010), won the Best Festive Award at 2012 Golden Awards. His next tele-movie, Lucky Bowl 1 & 2 (2013), participated in the 19th Shanghai Television Awards. In 2014, his co-directed film, The Game 2, was nominated for Best Tele-movie in Spain’s Zoom Festive and won him a Best Director nomination. He was also nominated for Best New Director and Best Editing in 25th Festival Film Malaysia for The Cage (2015). Hello! Tapir was shortlisted as Top 6 “Early Bird New Directors Film Fund” organized by Hong Kong International Film Festival Society in year 2016.

About Casting 關於演員
楊采妮 飾演 蔡美玲

有「永遠的玉女」之稱,與眾多超級巨星合作拍攝過多部經典電影,包括近期的《寒戰 1 & 2》、《梁祝》、《父子》等,《嗨!神獸》是她生小孩後復出的首部電影作品。《嗨!神獸》電影裡她飾演男主角阿吉的媽媽,不甘心一輩子留在漁村相夫教子,於是離開了漁村跑到台北尋找更美好的未來。雖然跟張立昇離婚了,但還是常抽空回來探望阿吉。在前夫張立昇去世後擔心沒有人照顧阿吉,也希望阿吉可以在台北得到更好的教育,在跟阿嬤商量之後決定帶阿吉去台北。

Charlie Young starring as Cai Mei Ling
Known as the ‘Eternal Goddess’, Charlie Yeung has starred in several classics alongside many huge stars, including the recent Cold War 1 & 2, The Lovers, and After This Our Exile. Hello! Tapir is her first comeback film after her maternity break. In the film, she plays Ah Keat’s mother who leaves his father and moves to Taipei in search of a better future. Worried there would be no one to care for her son after her ex-husband’s death, she hopes for him to receive better education in Taipei. After a discussion with Ah Keat’s grandmother, she decides to take him with her.

白潤音 飾演 張志吉 (阿吉)

Bai Run Yin starring as Zhang Zhi Ji (Ah Keat)
The 12-year-old Taiwanese-Japanese child actor has played leading roles in several movies and drama series, including A Fish Out of Water, Mr. Long, and the recent Dear Tenant. Hello! Tapir is his first time acting alongside computer-generated imagery (CGI) characters. In the movie, Bai plays Ah Keat, a boy who lives with his father and grandma in a fishing village following his parents’ divorce. He enjoys a close relationship with his father and has grown up listening to his stories of the tapir. Ah Keat has always been curious about the tapir’s ability to devour nightmares. When his father goes missing, Ah Keat holds onto the belief that his father would return. Yet, he is kept in the dark about his father’s eventual death, and his emotions are neglected.

呂雪鳳 飾演 卿嫂(阿嬤)

Hsueh-Feng Lu starring as Auntie Qin (Grandma / Ah Ma)
Winner of Best Supporting Actress at the Golden Horse Awards for Thanatos, Drunk (2015) and nominated Best Leading Actress for her role in Synapses (2019), Lü plays a widow in the fishing village who sells fish for a living. In the movie, she lives with her son, Zhang Lisheng, and grandson, Ah Keat. The trio depend on one other and share a close bond. Unable to accept her son’s death at sea, she begs for the rescue team to find him to no avail. Finally, she has no choice but to leave her son’s funeral matters to her ex-daughter-in-law and let her take Ah Keat away.

李李仁 飾演 張立昇

Lee Lee Zen starring as Zhang Li Sheng
Winner of Best Supporting Actor at The Golden Bell Awards, Lee’s performance as the male lead in the recent, Miss Andy, received recognition by numerous international film festivals, including The Osaka Asian Film Festival and the New York Asian Film Festival. In Hello! Tapir, Lee plays a slovenly and contented fisherman who lives with his mother and son, Ah Keat, in the fishing village. He often tells his son stories of the tapir. In his childhood, he once found himself lost in the vast forest and eventually came across the glowing mushrooms that would attract the tapir. In order to earn money for Ah Keat’s university studies and to allow his mother to retire early, he works as a fisherman in the treacherous seas, only to end up never returning one day.


台灣資深製片人,多年來於兩岸製作50餘部電影及電視劇。近年來致力於為台灣電影開拓出更廣大的市場與影響力。近期監製出品的電影 《比悲傷更悲傷的故事》(2018)在台灣衝破2億台幣票房,更刷新台灣電影在中國票房的最高紀錄。

CHEN Chi-Yuan
CHEN Chi-Yuan, a Taiwan producer, has produced over 50 films and dramas in Taiwan and China. He has an active role in developing Taiwanese film opportunities in Asia. More Than Blue (2018) is Chen’s most recent work, grossing over TWD 200mil at the Taiwan box office and ranking #1 at the domestic box office in 2018.


Mark CHEN is a film and TV drama producer and screenwriter. He has produced numerous films and dramas and his works such as Love After Time (2016) and White Ant (2016) have received recognition from the Golden Horse Awards and the Busan and Berlin film Festival.

About Production Team 主創團隊
Scriptwriter編劇 梁秀紅 Chris Leong

2019《樂園》The Paradise
2017《盲口》Blind Mouth -入圍金馬獎最佳劇情短片
2017《分貝人生》Shuttle Life

Scriptwriter編劇 鄭咏怡 Teh Yoon Yee

2020《這一刻, 想見你》In My Heart
2020《作戰啦! 茶室總動員》Fight Lah! Kopitiam
2013《新村》The New Village

Scriptwriter編劇 池家慶 Kethsvin Chee
請參考池家慶導演簡介 Please refer to Director profile

Director of Photography攝影指導 胡世山 samhu
電影代表作:2019《我的青春都是你》、2014《相愛的七種設計》等 。

A veteran cinematographer, Hu’s works span across the advertising, magazine, music album and movie industry. He is also megastar A-Mei, Mayday and Cheer Chen’s designated cinematographer.
Notable works: Love The Way You Are (2019), Design 7 Love (2014)
Production Designer美術指導 林仲賢 Lin Chung Hsien
影視代表作:2020 《獵夢特工(HBO電視劇) 》、2015《紅衣小女孩》、2017《麻醉風暴2》

A veteran Production Designer, Lin’s works span across multiple industries including TV, movies and advertising. She is also megastar A-Mei, Jolin Tsai and Mayday’s designated production designer for their music video productions. Lin also bagged Best Art Direction in the Golden Bell Awards for television series, Wake Up 2 (2018).
Notable works: Dream Raider (2020), The Tag-Along (2015), Wake Up 2 (2017)
Editor剪接指導 雷震卿 Lei Chen Ching
電影代表作:2018《誰先愛上他的》、2008《冏男孩》和2013《郊遊》等 。

A veteran supervising editor for over 30 years, Lei won Best Film Editing at The Golden Horse Awards for “Dear Ex” (2018).
Notable works: Dear Ex (2018), Orz Boyz! (2008), Stray Dogs (2013)
VFX Supervisor特效指導 李志緯 Aben Lee
擁有豐富的後期與特效影像的指導經驗,至今參與並指導過的電影作品超過50部, 包括2014《刺客聶影娘》、2015《我的少女時代》、2016《樓下的房客》、2014《痞子英雄二》、2016《神廚》等。
A VFX Supervisor with rich experience in post-production and special effects, Lee has supervised and contributed in over 50 movie productions thus far.
Notable works: The Assassin (2014), Our Times (2015), The Tenants Downstairs (2016), Black & White: The Dawn of Justice (2014), Rookie Chef (2016)

Original Score音樂總監 陳建騏 George Chen
Golden Horse Awards, Golden Melody Awards and Golden Bell Awards winner George Chen takes on multiple roles, including record producer, movie and television music director and theatre soundtrack supervisor. He is highly trusted in the industry by many celebrities and is the designated record producer for stars like Chen Chi-chen, Sandee Chan, Wakin Chau, Lala Hsu and A-Lin. He has also produced many quality movie soundtracks including those for At Café 6 (2016), Murmur Of The Hearts (2015), More Than Blue (2018), Us & Them (2018) etc.
Original Score音樂總監 羅恩妮 Annie Lo

Music composer, arranger, designer, and orchestral composer, Annie Lo’s works span across the film, advertising, and pop music industries. She was previously the music arranger for many well-known singers including Waa Wei and Sandee Chan, and was involved in the music production of several movies, including Monga (2010), Twelve Nights (2013), My Egg Boy (2016), and More Than Blue (2018), which bagged Best Soundtrack at the Taipei Film Festival.
Supervising Sound Editor聲音指導 鄭旭志 Frank Cheng
A veteran Supervising Sound Editor, Cheng has amassed countless works in music and sound editing (post-production) over his decade in the industry. His notable works include Tiny Times (2013), Winds of September (2008), Zone Pro Site (2013), and Black & White Episode (2012), which was nominated for Best Sound Effects in the Golden Horse Awards.
Production Company製作公司簡介
滿滿額娛樂股份有限公司 Man Man Er Co., Ltd.


公司於2013年成立至今,積極參與拍攝、製作和投資多部台灣電影,包括【老師,你會不會回來】 (2017)、 【帶我去月球】 (2017)、2018台灣票房冠軍同時也是台片在中國的票房冠軍【比悲傷更悲傷的故事】 、2019年台灣票房亞軍【第九分局】 、榮獲2019年台北電影節4大獎項的【老大人】(2018)、入選2019年香港電影投資會 (HAF)的【嗨! 神獸】、榮獲第22屆上海電影節最佳亞洲新人男演員的【樂園】等。
Man Man Er Co. Ltd. or mm2 Taiwan is headed by Taiwanese industry veteran Chen Chi Yuan, actively collaborating with the international film and television industry through strategic partnership in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, China, and other regions to expand the global market for Taiwanese works.

Since its establishment in 2014, mm2 Taiwan has filmed, produced, and invested in numerous Taiwanese films, including Turn Around (2017); Take Me to the Moon (2017); More Than Blue (2018), the highest-grossing Taiwanese film in Taiwan box office in 2018 and the biggest Taiwanese film of all time in China; Dad’s Suit (2018), winner of 4 major awards at Taipei Film Festival 2019; The 9th Precinct (2019), the second highest-grossing Taiwanese film in Taiwan box office in 2019; Hello! Tapir, selected for the Hong Kong Asia Film Financing Forum in 2019; and The Paradise, which bagged the Asian New Talent Best Actor Awards in the 22nd Shanghai International Film Festival.
